[Luke (Right, portrayed by Van Hansis) & Reid (Left, portrayed by Eric Stevens) have been a couple since early 2010, and have quickly become another fan-favorite couple from As The World Turns; they are popularly referred to as LuRe.]
So, as many of you LuRe and ATWT fans know, last week (September 3rd, 2010), Dr. Reid Oliver was hit by a speeding train because his car would not move from the train tracks. Reid was trying to rush to Bay City in order to get the heart that was needed to save Chris Hughes' life.
Today, Margo and Tom Hughes received the call that there was an accident, long story short; Luke's facce turned from joking to horrified as he saw Reid's bloody body rushed to Memorial's ER in front of him.
What followed were powerful scenes from Hansis and Katie (Terri Colombino), scenes that are worthy of first Daytime Emmy wins for the two [I'm looking at you Emmys!!]. And their final scene in the room that Reid was in, standing and holding each other was just heart-wrenching.
This breif, but compelling storyline has put ATWT (in my book), back to the good stories, that delt with what many ATWT storylines have delt with, family. This paired with the Barbara Ryan kidnapped by Iris storyline should hopefully earn many Emmy noms for ATWT, including Best Drama; but one can only hope!
What ticks me off most about the whole thing is that Katie and Luke have come through so many romantic roadblocks in the past year, it feels like: "When will they get a break?!"
And it feels like Luke's relationship with Reid was just dangled in front of us and then whisked away, sadly but unfortunatly, irreversable...
You never know what could happen within the next few days, so stay tuned, and hope that Luke will find love again before the show ends!!!
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